Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Caroline, and I.

I just love her necklace. It was made by children in Haiti, when she went there on a missions trip. 
(Stupid sun chips bags! ;)

After lunch, we had ice cream at the hole scoop. (Fan them on facebook! ;)

I got mint chocolate chip (the green kind) and she got birthday cake ice cream (I would not have expected anything less of Caroline and her ice cream flavors?) 

Then Ali, and Alyssa joined us later that evening.

Caroline, and I. We're more gangster than we seem.

We had to hook a ride with the more mature people.....

Back at the house, the adorable kiddos were playing games. Their so cute.

Love you all!



  1. Looks like fun! :) My little sister loves the birthday cake ice cream flavor. I've never had it before, haha, but it sounds good. :)


  2. Hey Madison!!!
    Had way too much fun that day!! haha and those are all really fun pictures!!
    Love you girly!!
