Monday, September 14, 2009

This is so funny....John williams is the man!!


  1. hola girly!
    doin good here! how're you doin? school's goin good for you so far? hope so!!
    i'll talk w/ you later!
    p.s. love your header!!!!!!!!! foreal, did you make that?

  2. well! that's the way to go! let your sisters do the work! :)

  3. hey girl! thanks for commenting on my blog! yup! it was a good night! *sigh* :)
    p.s. if you think about, could you please pray for us? thanks!

  4. thanks! i mean, it's such a great big blessing to be in such a neat relationship with such a great, gidly guy! really, i could go on forever! i just want to never be distracted from my First Love, my Savior, you know?

  5. Thanks Maddie! oh no! i said gidly instead of godly! shoot! and i really appreciate your prayers! girl! i can't believe how long it's been since i saw you last!! what was it like christmas recital or something? unbelievable! what's your email? if you leave it in a comment on my blog i'll delete as soon as i get it if you want. or you could email my blog acount first (on the side bar) and i'll email you from there!
