Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Sun Shine state!

Hey guys, my family and I are leaving tomorrow around 8:00 a.m. For an orthodontist appointment, then we will be on our way to Florida! I think we'll get there around 1:30 a.m. I will try to get some blog posts in with PICTURES while we're there.

So, (I also plan to come back with a tan, or burn.)

I hope everyone is doing well!

Love ya'll!



  1. Hey girlie!
    I looove the blog header and music! It's the most wonderful time of the year!
    Love you girl,
    have fun in floridaaaa! :)

  2. HI!
    I am a new follower on your blog! My sister Tsavah follows your blog also! BTW, I like your header!

    If you want to check out my blog go to:
    momo-and-me.blogspot.com and it will take you right to it!

    P.S. Oh.... we live in Florida,(2hours north of Orlando!)

