Friday, September 17, 2010

Pink apples? Serious!

Go here if you want to see a PINK APPLE! This is a link to my twitpic. (my twitter photo thing.) We bought these in a health food store, and didn't know that they were ACTUALLY pink. Well we didn't know until mom took a bite, and was like "Oh my Gosh!! There seriously pink! ahh!"

A girls dream come true right?

Don't bother asking I have no idea how they made them pink, they were at a health food store so they can't be bad for you, right? 

If you know how they got them pink, let me know!


  1. Hey girl! Yes, I got your comment... and my mom gave me your message. Thank you SO much! I had no idea. I fixed it last weekend. I guess from now on I'll have to listen to songs before putting them on my playlist... that was crazy! lol. Love you!

  2. p.s. I love your new profile picture! Super cute! :)

  3. That is crazy!!! I want one! I LOVE PINK!!! :)

  4. Pink Apples!?! Awesome! I wan't one! I only like hot pink so get me one that is closest to that. (jk)
